Olympic Pool Maintenance League are back on Sub-Label Recordings with Antipodeon Logic.
I've been thinking about dawn a lot lately.
While I currently live in Australia, I've experienced spectacular ones in New Zealand, in fields, valleys, and on mountains. Most were in the mid-nineties during the countries hey-day of outdoor parties, in particular ones in the South Island.
For those of us fortunate to be there, we were graced by what we called 'sound sculptors' who guided us from t...

Antipodean Logic
Olympic Pool Maintenance League are back on Sub-Label Recordings with Antipodeon Logic.
I've been thinking about dawn a lot lately.
While I currently live in Australia, I've experienced spectacular ones in New Zealand, in fields, valleys, and on mountains. Most were in the mid-nineties during the countries hey-day of outdoor parties, in particular ones in the South Island.
For those of us fortunate to be there, we were graced by what we called 'sound sculptors' who guided us from the chaos of witching hour through dawns gloam into a fidelity of beauty and wonder.
I can remember, under a stippled cotton-ball blue sky, how The Orb's Little Fluffy Clouds never sounded so appropriate, or the tribal chant in Trancesetter's Secrets of Meditation seemingly warp time on tussock-filled farmland south of Dunedin. Their hypnotic rhythms and gurgling basslines fulfilling a luminary function no one thought necessary.
An Antipodean Logic collates three recent techno explorations that I hope, one day, fulfil a similar function – to move dancefloors through dawn in ways not immediately perceptible. Whether it be its atmospheric light, or tectonic potency (New Zealand is on a fault line) the geographic and meteorologic idiosyncrasies of the Antipodes have been important for my articulation of that desire. These tracks not only pay homage to a magic I associate with dawn but offer hope in a time where it seems scant.
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Olympic Pool Maintenance League