Sub-Label Recordings welcome Irakaz and the EP "Conflicting Worlds" to the black Label. A musical journey from darkness up to paradise. Taking influences from melodic techno and progressive oriented genres
"Conflicting worlds" introduces the two conflicting worlds: darkness and paradise. The deep drone bass representing darkness. The ever intensifying dreamy melody that peaks at the beak down where it shines to its apogee, metaphorically suggests a close encounter with paradise.
As a r...

Conflicting Worlds
Sub-Label Recordings welcome Irakaz and the EP "Conflicting Worlds" to the black Label. A musical journey from darkness up to paradise. Taking influences from melodic techno and progressive oriented genres
"Conflicting worlds" introduces the two conflicting worlds: darkness and paradise. The deep drone bass representing darkness. The ever intensifying dreamy melody that peaks at the beak down where it shines to its apogee, metaphorically suggests a close encounter with paradise.
As a reponse to the first track, "Divine response" takes us through paradise. This uplifting track, supported by the airy pads suggest the whispers of angels. The soft rolling bass is a reminder that darkness is still present but in a lesser extent this time. This tune is meant to be trippy so let yourself go…
"Bad influences" is the return to the darkness from paradise, ending the journey from the high skies by plunging back to the darkness, again represented by the heavier rolling bass. The darker melody is no longer dreamy and anchors the track into a more obscure atmosphere. The tension that emerges during the breakdown and the climax gives a touch of acid pushing the track into more primitive techno roots.
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